Steps to Becoming a Quant Trader

Traders can customize quantitative trading algorithms depending on the trader’s preferences and evaluate different parameters related to a cryptocurrency. Quantitative trading refers to strategies that use quantitative analysis indicators such as price, volume, price-earnings ratio (P/E), and other inputs to identify the best trading opportunities. With the basics of time series under your belt the next step is to begin studying statistical/machine learning techniques, which are the current “state of the art” within quantitative finance. This is a significant apprenticeship and should not be entered into lightly. It is often said that it takes 5-10 years to learn sufficient material to be consistently profitable at quantitative trading in a professional firm. It is extremely well remunerated and provides many career options, including the ability to become an entrepreneur by starting your own fund after demonstrating a long-term track record.

Quantitative trading uses mathematical models to identify opportunities, so quant traders tend to have a mathematical background and are very good with computer coding. A good quant trading system must have a robust strategy, be backtested, be equipped for automated execution, and have a risk management technique. Common questrade forex strategies used in quant trading systems include mean reversion, trend following, statistical arbitrage, and algorithmic pattern recognition. They create automated software that is designed with mathematical models, which enable them to recognize patterns in historical data so they can make informed trading decisions.

  1. Master’s degrees in financial engineering or computational finance are also effective entry points for quant careers.
  2. Whichever way a quant chooses, quant trading requires substantial computer programming expertise, as well as the ability to work with numerical data and application programming interfaces (APIs).
  3. However, if you’re strictly an algorithmic trading quant, you can expect to earn $145,000 yearly.

The influx of candidates from academia, software development, and engineering has made the field quite competitive. In this article, we’ll look at what quants do and the skills and education needed. Quantitative trading consists of trading strategies based on quantitative analysis, which rely on mathematical computations and number crunching to identify trading opportunities. Price and volume are two of the more common data inputs used in quantitative analysis as the main inputs to mathematical models. However, the quantified investment field has also had its controversies and setbacks.

How Quantitative Trading Works

In addition, they adopt a risk management approach that factors in the probability of success of their models. The models are driven by quantitative analysis — which is where the strategy gets its name from — done by computer algorithms built for that purpose. The word “quant” is derived from quantitative, which essentially means working with numbers. The advancement of computer-aided algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading means there is a huge amount of data to be analyzed. In essence, a quant trader needs a balanced mix of in-depth mathematics knowledge, practical trading exposure, and computer skills.

What Is the Difference Between Quantitative Trading and Algorithmic Trading?

A dozen years later, William Sharpe introduced the capital asset pricing model, which asserts that higher returns require more exposure to risk. Then, in 1973, Fischer Black, Robert Merton, and Myron Scholes devised the Black-Scholes model for options pricing, the first widely used mathematical method for calculating the theoretical value of options contracts. Quantative trading, sometimes known as quant trading, is the use of computer programs to generate profits from the stock market. In a departure from convention investing, the aim of many quant traders is to generate profits from specific ‘actions’. In effect you are not predicting where the market is going but seeking to profit by taking advantages of other’s trades. However, as markets become digital with global reach and expansion, tech-savvy traders are increasingly becoming dominant, offering vast expansion, loads of trading data, new assets, and securities.

It includes brokerage risk, such as the broker becoming bankrupt (not as crazy as it sounds, given the recent scare with MF Global!). In short it covers nearly everything that could possibly interfere with the trading implementation, of which there are many sources. Whole books are devoted to risk management for quantitative strategies so I wont’t attempt to elucidate on all possible sources of risk here. HFT volume and revenue has taken a hit since the great recession, but quant has continued to grow in stature and respect. Quantitative analysts are highly sought after by hedge funds and financial institutions, prized for their ability to add a new dimension to a traditional strategy. Several developments in the 70s and 80s helped quant become more mainstream.

Using Artificial Intelligence as a Quantitative Investment Strategy

A mathematics or scientific background will also be required due to the amount of data you will need to work with. You will nee to go over historical data to work out a risk mitigation strategy and do scenario testing. In financial markets, quantitative trading is favored by financial institutions with the resources to run their proprietary trading software with dedicated support staff and data centers. Developing and fine-tuning a strategy is a core part of successful quantitative trading. If you already have a strategy you use when you trade manually, can you adapt it into an algorithm?


A popular example of the quantitative trading model is analyzing the bullish pressure experienced on the NYSE during lunch hours. A quant would then develop a program to study this pattern over the entire history of the stock. If it is established that this pattern happens, say 90% of the time, then the quantitative trading model developed will predict that the pattern will be repeated 90% of the time in the future. They feed that data into algorithmic trading software, and then the program is backtested and optimized in a virtual setting. The system is run in real-time markets using real money if favorable results are achieved.

Many traders create tools to track public sentiment toward specific assets or industries. Some traders also use alternative or public datasets to discover present and potential trends, ensuring that the mathematical model they created is adequate and advanced. There are lots of publicly available databases that quant traders use to inform and build their statistical models. These alternative datasets are used to identify patterns outside of traditional financial sources, such as fundamentals.

The designated order turnaround (DOT) system enabled the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to take orders electronically for the first time, and the first Bloomberg terminals provided real-time market data to traders. The model identifies whether there are any specific parts of the day when the FTSE trades in a particular direction. The objective of trading is to calculate the optimal probability of executing a profitable trade.

Many of these platforms offer their trading software for free with limited functionality or with limited trial periods of full functionality. In order to carry out a backtest procedure it is necessary to use a software platform. You have the choice between dedicated backtest software, such as Tradestation, a numerical platform such as Excel or MATLAB or a full custom implementation in a programming language such as Python or C++. I won’t dwell too much on Tradestation (or similar), Excel or MATLAB, as I believe in creating a full in-house technology stack (for reasons outlined below).

These strategies should be systematic and remove much of the emotional element from investing. Some common approaches to quantitative investment strategies include statistical arbitrage, factor investing, risk parity, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI). For quantitative trading to be implemented successfully in unstable markets, the planned trading strategy must be sufficiently flexible. Quant traders often only develop profitable short-term quant trading models for this reason. However, due to volatile crypto market conditions, the results from these short-term trading strategies are not always reliable, which can and often does lead to losses. These advances, along with increases in computing power in the 1960s and ’70s, gave financial analysts and econometricians, later called “quants,” the ability to create ever more complex algorithms and models.

In many cases, having knowledge of other specific domains is useful if we are trading products in those industries. Quant trading might seem intimidating for beginners, but there are plenty of books to get you started quickly and relatively easily in this exciting investing field. The next step is to run your algorithm through the real market and verify that it works in live conditions. Many exchanges have a public API that can be used to securely connect the bot to your exchange account and automate trades.

Quantitative trading plays an important role in proprietary trading, which is undertaken by investment banks and hedge funds for their own accounts. It is also prominent in market making, where participants provide liquidity and are focused on maintaining smooth operations, so that market participants can buy and sell assets in an orderly manner. Quantitative trading holds an advantage over discretionary trading in its data-driven methods and systematic approach to the markets that avoid emotional decision-making.