I Haven’t Heard from Him. Will It Be Really Worth Contacting Him?

Reader Question:

i’ve been hanging out with he on / off for some several months. He has already been having much more initiative in order to get together. Last week-end we sought out to supper, which we never announced a “date,” but we wound up investing the rest of the evening together.

By the end associated with the night, he started cuddling with myself (keeping fingers, running hands through tresses, feet intertwined). After the night time when he strolled us to my vehicle, we kissed him. I haven’t heard from him since.

Could it possibly be well worth contacting him?

-Irene (Montana)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Response:


NO!!!! Let him pursue you a bit. I am wondering who was simply much more actually hostile thereon date.

You probably didn’t state “the guy kissed me personally” or “We kissed.” You stated you kissed him.

Could having scared him off?

In my opinion you ought to set reasonable for a time nevertheless. Include yourself and wait to see his next action.

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